Tag Archives: Giant Sets

Training for Busy Professionals

A lot of people complain to me they don’t have the time nor the inclination of planning their workout programs due to their job commitments. 

“I’m just too busy or too tired with the minimal time I have in the day”.   

I’ve heard this many times thru the years and figured it was time for The Muscle Couple to develop a program that anyone of any age could use that would only require 20-30 minutes a day 3x a week. 


A Workout for the Time Crunched!

A Workout for the Time Crunched!


This program is designed to tax the entire body as a system 3 days a week incorporating the training methodologies of periodization and improving muscular endurance.  You will notice the sequence of exercises alternates between opposing muscle groups and lower and upper body movements.  This program minimizes rest periods, saves time and significantly elevates heart rate for improved fat burning.   You get all the benefits of aerobic and anaerobic training with one program.  What could be better for the time crunched?

You should perform this workout as a circuit but can also choose to do it by performing both sets of each exercise in succession and then resting as you move between exercises.  Depending on the availability of machines and exercise stations, it should take no longer than 20-30 minutes to complete.   And it should significantly fatigue all of your energy systems.  

You should try and vary your resistance/weights to hit the target rep ranges.  Ie on Leg Press you are going to choose a lighter weight to hit the target goal of 20 repetitions and a heavier weight for 10.   As you progress thru this workout over a couple of months, your body will become more neurally efficient at choosing the requisite weights and resistance to meet the desired rep ranges. 

You can also choose to practice a bunch of different intensity increasing techniques such as:

  1. Breathing Reps
  2. Rest Pause
  3. Giant-Super and Drop Settin

Over time your goal would be to change the exercises performed for each body part continuing to incorporate the same rep ranges and circuit principles.

Feel free to email us musclecouple@gmail.com or leave a message on the blog with any specific questions relating to utilizing intensity techniques to improve the program even more.

Without further adieu:


Set 1

Set 2

Leg Press(Legs)

20 Reps

8-10 Reps

Machine Incline Press(Chest)

20 Reps

8-10 Reps

Assisted Pull Up Machine(Back)

20 Reps(Wide Grip)

8-10 Reps(Under Hand Grip

Standing Overhead Press(DB or Barbell)(Delts)

20 Reps

8-10 Reps

Leg Curl(Hamstrings)

20 Reps

8-10 Reps

Machine Preacher Curl(Biceps)

20 Reps

8-10 Reps

Seated Overhead Tri Extension(Machine or Cable)(Triceps)

20 Reps

8-10 Reps

Handing Leg Raises(Abs)

20 Reps

8-10 Reps


Have a great weekend!